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Day 5

Norfolk & Norwich Festival does Radio Local: Tuesday 12 May

Get involved with challenges from the Scavenger Hunt and You Can Choose Your Friends But Not Your Family, hear A Rave On Raving by Alex Day, listen along to Making Words with Cinema City, we hear from Norfolk & Norwich Festival 2020 artist Lucy Garland from Norwich-based theatre company Frozen Light,  we join nurses Olivia & Hope for a takeaway from Beer Drop Pie and Beer, Fay Mansell tells us her Live Report, and we are joined by Community Champion and Local Legend from Diss Suzanne Kayne.


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Scavenger Hunt

Today we’re looking for
sellotape, a biscuit, a napkin, an inflatable, a biro, tomato sauce, a comb, a plug, passport, some vegetable art

Making Words

We’re joined by Cinema City’s Helen Carrick (Deputy General Manager), Rob Lester (Box Office Staff) and Georgia Rees-Lang (Bar and Restaurant Staff) to play Making Words.

Live Report

We’re going live to Faye Mansell, 75 years old, discussing the contrast between Norwich and the wilds of Monmouthshire.

NNF20 Artist: Frozen Light

As part of Norfolk & Norwich Festival 2020 Frozen Light were going to perform the world premiere of Fire Songs, an immersive sensory sound experience for audiences with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD), performed in collaboration with Thetford Singers.

In the embrace of choral harmonies, the audience join Frozen Light on their latest sensory exploration. From a soulful connection around a campfire, travelling into the celestial music of the cosmos itself, audiences will experience a whole new world of awe and wonder.

Find out more about Frozen Light

Listen back to the interview

Food Review

We sent Nurses Olivia & Hope a takeaway from Beer Drop in Rumsey Wells. 

About Beer Drop:

“We are a family business and have been running the Rumsey Wells for 12 years –  when we had to close the doors on March the 20th it was devastating but we quickly realised that we had to adapt. We asked our customers online if they would be interested in us doing something and the response was overwhelming and so we went for it. 

We are so humbled with the support we have had from our fine city so far and we are loving taking the pies (and beers) to the people. Stay home and eat pie Norwich!”

Find out more

Local Legend: Suzanne Kayne

In 2015, Suzanne was made Honorary Citizen of Diss. She has been part of the Fair Green Neighbourhood Association for the past 14 years, a Corn Hall volunteer for the past ten years, and a member of the Diss Christmas Lights Committee for the last six years (of which she is now chair!). She has been a local food bank volunteer for a year and a half, held a variety of roles at Diss Museum since 2003 (including trustee, secretary and chair),  has been on the committee of Diss Town Guide for six years, and the committee of Floral Diss for the past two years. She was even a local councillor for 18 months! Suzanne was also the Secretary for the successful charity bike ride event the Diss Cyclathon. 

Suzanne and her husband also run a Bed and Breakfast in Diss called Cobwebs.

Great Yarmouth Audio Postcards

The Hot Dog Man by Gabbi Minas

Commissioned artist Lucia Scazzocchio conducted interviews with members of the community in Great Yarmouth in order to create ‘Audio Postcards’. Participants were asked to collect sound recordings of an area that had special meaning to them – this made up the visual/picture side of the postcard. Then they were asked to record a message similar to the written message on the back of a postcard. When combined the resulting product is an Audio Postcard – that captures the essence of people and place. 

Gabbi is an illustrator, designer and educator based in the fine city of Norwich, UK. Her multidisciplinary practice spans across drawing, printmaking and sculpture, exploring the identity of places and she spends her time working on freelance projects and teaching creative workshops.

Find out more about Gabbi

Raves not Rants

Alex Day is an artist and a writer, trapped in Norwich, plotting mischief from his humble abode. He wrote this piece to reminisce hazy memories of nightlife and celebrate the fabulous functions of independent venues in Norwich – which are persisting through a financially uncertain period and deserve our continued support. Alex would like you to stay cool, eat your greens and dance frequently.

Clubs. They are not always great. They have their down sides, their imperfections.

Drunk people, for example. They crash through the audience, drinks raised to a safe but precarious position, high over the dancers’ heads. They sway and spill, lean-in to your ear and say something incompressible, spraying a mist of moisture over you, before returning to their dormant wobble.

Another grating feature of the music venue is the toilet queue. You are desperate. There’s three people in front of you. You are all heading for the cubicle. Who knows how long they will each spend in this cubicle or what they will do in there? Host a personal soiree perhaps, a pre-after party, complete with the tinny racket of phone speakers, stomping in the puddle of wee around the bowl. You cannot tell them to hurry up. Their bowels with dictate this time frame. You check you phone for a mindless distraction and proclaim to the rest of the queue ‘they’re taking bloody ages’, to which they all nod. You have become the voice of reason in this queue. With a newly found confidence – you lunge towards the closed cubicle door and batter your fist: ‘hurry up’, you say, imagining the ease with which you can pee at home.

And, as if that’s all. There are the creeps that dance on you uninvited. And new trainers, stepped on incessantly, spoilt and turned to a muted grey, estranged from their sparkling halcyon heyday. And bouncers, who, for a split second, look as if they will reject your ID; and you will be returned to your quiet, lifeless, accommodation to swig the dregs of a flat can whilst your crew of dearest friends bond and revel amongst the elevating sounds.

Yet… the bouncer does not send you home. You are welcomed into the warmth. You walk down the corridor and the rumbling music envelops you. Dancers – in groups, alone, old and young – twist and ride to the rhythm, expressing themselves. The speed is slow, the lights are off and you sip your pint. It’s disco time.

I miss clubs, man. The pre-drinks … the hugs … leaving your coat behind a speaker and hoping no one nicks it. When the lockdown lifts, and normal practice resumes, stride resolutely, at the earliest opportunity, to one on Norwich’s many nightspots. Gonzos Tea Room. Space Studios. Norwich Arts Centre. The Birdcage. The Brickmakers, The Waterfront. They need you and you need them. It won’t be long before we can spill our pints over new shoes and dance again.



Arts make life better

Norfolk & Norwich Festival brings tens of thousands of people together in celebration – it has been doing this for over 250 years. Through our May Festival and our year-round arts education work, focusing on children and young people, we lead and support celebration, creativity and curiosity in communities across Norfolk and the region.

This year we begin an exciting new initiative, Festival Connect & Create that will bring creative opportunities to those schools and communities with least provision. Creativity transforms people’s lives. It builds cohesive communities, develops vital skills and supports health and wellbeing. We want more people to have access to creative opportunities.

Please consider donating to support and develop this work. With your help we can increase access to the life changing power of the arts.

Registered Charity No. 116442

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