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Creative Practitioner CPD and support sessions – Drawing

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This playlist based around drawing includes sessions led by Paul Carney, Claire Penketh, Sheila Ceccarelli and the Sketchbook Circle. These sessions focus on getting everyone drawing, regardless of confidence or ability, and focus on drawing as a process rather than the end result.   

Drawing to Learn Anything | Paul Carney

Drawing as an anti-Ableist Pedagogy | Claire Penketh

Making Time for Making | Sketchbook Circle

Drawing for Wellbeing | Sheila Ceccarelli

More about the sessions...

Paul Carney is an NSEAD registered Primary & Secondary Art & Design education consultant from Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Paul shows us how to learn and remember things through drawing, rather than written note-taking.

Claire Penketh is the Associate Professor in Disability & Education at Liverpool Hope University. Claire encourages us to re-examine our primary ways of engaging with creative practices.

Sketchbook Circle is a collaborative project established to encourage artist educators to make time for their own personal work. Sketchbook Circle show us how to sketchbook in response to a prompt, idea or material.

Sheila Ceccarelli is the co-founder of AccessArt with over 30 years of experience as an artist educator. Sheila shares a practical session introducing drawing for wellbeing – for teachers and their students.

Arts make life better

Norfolk & Norwich Festival brings tens of thousands of people together in celebration – it has been doing this for over 250 years. Through our May Festival and our year-round arts education work, focusing on children and young people, we lead and support celebration, creativity and curiosity in communities across Norfolk and the region.

This year we begin an exciting new initiative, Festival Connect & Create that will bring creative opportunities to those schools and communities with least provision. Creativity transforms people’s lives. It builds cohesive communities, develops vital skills and supports health and wellbeing. We want more people to have access to creative opportunities.

Please consider donating to support and develop this work. With your help we can increase access to the life changing power of the arts.

Registered Charity No. 116442

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