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Creative Practitioner CPD and support sessions – Music & Sound

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This playlist based around music includes sessions led by Bill Vine, James Hardie, Amal Khalaf and Hunt & Darton focussing on listening, collaborating with audiences, innovation in music and how modern technologies can support students in responding to and making their own music. 

Experimental Music Composition & 3D Recording | Bill Vine

Finding Your Voice | James Hardie

Interdisciplinary Creativity and Collaboration | Hunt & Darton

More about the sessions...

Bill Vine is an experimental composer, performer, improviser, audio/visual artist and ‘luthier electronique’. Bill talks about capturing sounds in unexpected places using a mobile phone, and using these recordings to compose music pieces that give a sense of space and time.

James Hardie is the Music Programmer at Norfolk & Norwich Festival. James shares pieces of music that have been made using innovative means, and pieces that have been used in protest. He also explores how students have responded to these pieces. N.B. Some music has been removed from James Hardie’s talk for rights reasons.

Hunt and Darton are two friends on a mission to play, to make art, to create entertaining experiences and to change the way we look at the world. Hunt & Darton deliver an impromptu disco and share their experiences of delivering installations in public spaces, including their ‘Radio Local’ project.

Arts make life better

Norfolk & Norwich Festival brings tens of thousands of people together in celebration – it has been doing this for over 250 years. Through our May Festival and our year-round arts education work, focusing on children and young people, we lead and support celebration, creativity and curiosity in communities across Norfolk and the region.

This year we begin an exciting new initiative, Festival Connect & Create that will bring creative opportunities to those schools and communities with least provision. Creativity transforms people’s lives. It builds cohesive communities, develops vital skills and supports health and wellbeing. We want more people to have access to creative opportunities.

Please consider donating to support and develop this work. With your help we can increase access to the life changing power of the arts.

Registered Charity No. 116442

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