Posters Pamphlets and Other Paraphernalia
Creative Individuals Norfolk #2
Posters Pamphlets and Other Paraphernalia
In 2020 Norfolk & Norwich Festival ran our first Creative Individuals Norfolk (CIN) initiative as a direct response to the Covid-19 crisis. This initiative set out to support the professional practice of freelance creative individuals, who were some of the hardest hit in our creative community, and to respond to the powerful sense of collective responsibility which we felt in our communities during this crisis. We supported six creative individuals to work in communities across Norfolk, and details of the CIN #1 projects can be found here.
Our CIN #2 initiative, Posters, Pamphlets and Other Paraphernalia built on what we learnt through CIN #1, and had an enhanced focus on community engagement, a clearer relationship to outcomes during the Festival, and a stronger critical focus.
Posters Pamphlets and Other Paraphernalia (PPP) was a strand of work for our 250th Festival in 2022. We were interested in the historic role of posters and pamphlets in public discourse and communication. We wanted to support communities who have ‘something to say’ about the world we live in, and who were interested in working with creative individuals to ‘amplify their voice’ by creating print paraphernalia as a means to reach a wide public audience.
PPP was led by two lead artists, who created new work and oversaw the development of four creative practitioners. These lead artists were Hester Stefan Chillingworth, who creates playful and interventionist work that elevates the everyday; and Salome Wagaine, a writer and producer with strong experience working in a number of arts organisations, including Cambridge Junction, Diverse Actions and Julie’s Bicycle.

Ingrid Banerjee Marvin / Babeworld - Let’s be (genuinely) ‘avin you
Babeworld is led by Ashleigh Williams and Ingrid Banerjee Marvin, and seeks to create a more representative art world through the creation of art, fundraising and creating grants, and facilitation of events – for those who are marginalised in the arts. For this project, Babeworld will play on the aesthetic of football paraphernalia, particularly inspired by 1970s-1990s Norwich City designs, to create badges and ticket stubs. Alongside this, they will facilitate events to create safer and more accessible spaces for marginalised football fans to be spectators. Babeworld will also examine the subcultural and fan-created history of Fanzines and co-create a fanzine with the project participants to ensure this particular world of football fandom is given a voice.

Ellena Woolf - Magical Mysteries Of The System: Lights And Shadows Of Disabled Life
Ellena Woolf is a teaching artist and poet who uses creative writing to engage young people. Through performances and workshops, she makes unique stories accessible and relatable. In this project, she will be working with a group of artists who identify as Disabled. Ellena will be collaboratively creating a Penny Dreadful, a type of Victorian adventure comic, whose main antagonist will be the Benefits system. Magical Mysteries of the System seeks to shine a light on the difficulties disabled artists face in accessing help from the notoriously intransigent welfare scheme in the UK.

Ian Brownlie - Ownership of the ‘Zines of Production (Mobile Stationery)
Ian Brownlie is a multimedia artist with experience in running workshops in community and informal education settings, with a background in community music. In this project, Ian will run workshops on peripatetic printing of a classic 8 page zine for individuals experiencing mental health challenges. Participants are encouraged to get inspired by their surroundings, and are invited to draw, write, collage and rub. Each participant makes 3 copies: 2 to give away as gifts to inspire and 1 as an archive for the project.

Oozing Gloop: The End Times
Currently commissioned by Fierce 2022, Oozing Gloop is both a persona and a practice of queer revolt & revolution, creating live and performance-based art. The End Times is a periodical, glossy magazine that will work with Trans-Drag queens & ogres to enact storytelling for earthly survival in the neo-feudalism of the new dark age. Using the unique landscape of Norfolk and East Anglia, the magazine will be your survival guide to living on a dying planet.
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Creative Individuals Norfolk #2: Posters Pamphlets and Other Paraphernalia is made possible thanks to public funding from the National Lottery through Arts Council England.
Masthead credit: I AM… ©Luke Witcomb