North Beach, Great Yarmouth
About the venue
Great Yarmouth’s North Beach is a sandy beach to the north of the seafront and Britannia Pier.
Getting There
Visitors should follow signs from Great Yarmouth to the seafront.
Car From Norwich follow the signs and take A47 to Great Yarmouth. Once in Great Yarmouth follow signs to the seafront, Marine Parade. From Ipswich follow the signs and take A12 to Great Yarmouth, once in Great Yarmouth follow signs to the seafront, Marine Parade.North beach is to the North of Britannia Pier.
Train There is a train service from Norwich to Great Yarmouth, which is 2 miles away from the beach.
Bus Great Yarmouth Market Gates Bus Station is a 25 minute walk from North Beach, or alternatively there are connecting buses. You can plan your journey at
There is ramped access to the beach at multiple points along the promenade. There is a beach wheelchair available to use.
Please be aware that there is uneven terrain on the beach.
Toilets: There are toilets located at the end of the Venetian Gardens. There are accessible toilets to the right of the promenade, located near Britannia Pier.
Other information
Dogs: Dogs are permitted on Great Yarmouth’s North Beach, but please check for restrictions on other areas of the beach that are in place over the summer months. You can find out more information about these restrictions here.
North Denes Beach Gt Yarmouth, North Drive, Great Yarmouth, UK