St Peter Mancroft
About the venue
After the two cathedrals, St Peter Mancroft is the largest church in Norwich. It has stood in the heart of the city for nearly 600 years.
Getting There
St Peter Mancroft is in the very centre of Norwich, near the market and City Hall, opposite The Forum.
Bus/Train Regular buses and trains run to Norwich from locations around Norfolk and from outside the county. St Peter Mancroft is a 15 minute walk away from Norwich Train Station, and a 7 minute walk from Norwich Bus Station. Bus stops surround the area, with nearly all routes stopping via Castle Meadow.
Car If you are driving, there is a multi-storey car park within the Forum building, which has 12 Blue Badge parking spaces on Level-2. The car park is open from 7am-12am, Monday – Sunday.
St Peter Mancroft church has a level entrance.
Nearest toilets and accessible toilets are available on the ground floor of The Forum, opposite St Peter Mancroft. The forum also has a Changing Places toilet for those who have multiple and complex disabilities travelling with assistants.
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